Teaching Visceral Manipulation in China

Teaching Visceral Manipulation 1 and 2 in Shanghai, China - June 03 - 11 2023 Incredible students, medical doctors, medical specialists, professors, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, physiotherapists all wanting to…

Living a full life again

Tim shares his story of perseverance and dedication to get back to running and weight training AND achieve his goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with his wife in June 2023.…

Shoulder movement restored

We share the story of our patient Ryan, a business development professional in the field of cybersecurity, who came to see us for treatment in February 2023. Ryan had experienced…

Seizure free

Ingo was a four year old boy that arrived as a patient in May 2016. At the time Ingo had between 100 - 290 Atonic seizures per hour. Read about…

Improving eyesight

Kimon was seven years old when he visited our practice in December 2013 as his homeopath had recommended CranioSacral Therapy. It was a very rewarding experience when Kimon reported that:…